It has been years since I have seen Kristen … I guess it has been six/seven years? Anyways, when I opened my email and recognized her name right off the bat, I was ecstatic! We chatted back and forth catching up via email and she causually mentioned that they are very involved with “underwater hockey“. Now, first thing that comes to mind is … wow, how in the world does that even work?! Haha! Well, after they shared the video with me … it looks very challenging … maybe because I’m scared of sports with any type of coordination. I lack it. Really. 😉
After running around on the farm and learning more about them, I totally get them! They are very go with the flow, happy and IN LOVE with one another! I love that I not only get to witness their passionate affection but they are not afraid to open that up to the camera. I can only imagine what their wedding day will be like! 🙂
Kent & Kristen’s Love Story
Kristen’s point of view: I was in my last year of college doing my victory lap at George Mason University finishing up my degree, and I need a job. I was applying all over the place and I finally walked into this tiny Delicatessen off of Chain Bridge Road called Bernie’s Deli. If you never been and you’re in the area go….so delicious. Anyways, I put in my application and was told I would get a call back. Well I waited and waited and didn’t receive a call, so I decided to take the initiative and call them. When I called they got me in starting in Jan. of 2011. I walked in to start my training and Bernie (the owner) sent me over to Kent, who was actually managing the Deli. I was the stubborn employee who challenged everything Kent would say…I mean does it really matter which way the lettuce is turned on a sandwich? I think not. We did the usual flirt back and forth gig until I finally invited him to hang out with me. We started talking in February of 2011 and he actually went away for an Underwater Hockey Tournament in Canada the weekend before my birthday(Feb. 21), he rushed back on that Monday to take me out to dinner. Since Feb. 21st 2011 we have been dating.
We had planned on going to the Sound House for Labor Day weekend. The Sound House is located off of Bogue Sound in Newport, North Carolina for reference. I was so excited and a little nervous because our parents we’re going to meet for the first time! We arrived Saturday August 31st, went out on the boat and came back in from clamming. While out on the pier Kent decided that we needed to put out the crab traps for later on even though we didn’t have any bait to put in them(Should of been the first sign something was up). Everything was going really well and the parents were getting along! I decided I need to take a shower from being out in the sun all day, lathered up with sunscreen and just all around felt gross. After I got out of the shower and had relaxed a little Kent asked me to go check the crab traps with him. The whole time walking out to the pier I was like, “There isn’t going to be any crabs, you didn’t put bait in it so I don’t even know why we’re walking out here” So we checked the traps and of course nothing was in it. Then he asked me to go check this one little area where the family dog Bransen would go into for some odd apparent reason. He was a little figgity and had his hand in his pocket(second sign something was up). I looked over and saw both of our families standing outside on the patio(third sign something was up). I even thought why are they all outside? He acted like he was looking the in the tall grass and asked me if I loved him, I said yes of course. Then he said you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I said yes I know. That’s when it hit me………he was going to propose. Dear Lord, how did I not catch on sooner. He got down on one knee and asked if I would marry him? At first I was in shock and told him to shut the front door(literally those were the words out of my mouth) and then I said yes!!! There may have been a little bit of tears, and jumping up and down and a tad bit of laughing. But it was one of the most happiest moments in my life.
THANK YOU Kent and Kristen for a fabulous session!!!! Loved getting to know you two as a couple and about your sport! So awesome! Enjoy the preview and I CANNOT WAIT for your wedding day! xoxo


Obsessed with the left one! Adorable!!!


Another fav!

Gorgeous Kristen!


Another fav!

You’re adorable Kristen!!!

These are cute!

Look at that RING!



Love the lighting in this … and of course you two together! Haha!

Look at those smiles! 🙂

CONGRATS Kent and Kristen!!!! xoxo
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