FINALLY! A good snow day is exactly what this year needs! Once it melts, I’ll be ready for spring and the beach. 😉 Haha! Well, maybe after I hit the gym… Anyways, I hope everyone can enjoy this snow day in some way. If you don’t like being outside in the cold, bundle up in a blanket and PJs with hot cocoa later tonight. This is the time I WISH I had a fireplace. There’s something so calming when you read next to a fire on a snowy night. I hope my future home has a fireplace. 🙂
This photo must have been taken 10 or so years ago!
One tradition growing up we would do from year to year, no matter the amount of snow on the ground, we would put fresh wood in the fireplace, bring out some cheese and crackers and play boardgames. Once my dad was ready to go outside, we would bundle up and go sledding in front of our house. It must have been a pure joy for my dad as he LOVED the snow just as much as we did growing up! In fact, when we would have a good snow fall he would go outside with a tractor and compact the snow. Once it was compacted, he would take a water hose and spray over the hill (must be super cold to do this). That water would turn into ice. That evening, we all would go outside with our sleds and break records from the distance we would sled down the hill! Man, we had SPEED!!! Haha!
Do you have a fun tradition when the snow falls?
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