I’m Stephanie, a wedding + lifestyle photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Warrenton, Virginia. Whether I’m by the mountains of Colorado or Virginia, my soul feels at home, surrounded by rural living and the raw beauty of nature. I genuinely love what I do, and feel so passionate to share the enthusiasm and joy of these celebrations with you!



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April 8, 2015

The School Sessions

The School Sessions | Photographers Give Back to Haiti

You get to a point in your business where you can start giving back your talents, no matter if you are young or mature in your business. That is the best part! God blesses us with talents and our purpose is to find that outlet to bless others. Your talent may be sewing or painting or even something that isn’t in the creative realm. There is still a way to give back your community with your specialization.

The School Sessions | Photographers Give Back to HaitiThe School Sessions | Photographers Give Back to Haiti

Remember a few years ago I took the adventure of a lifetime to Haiti and had the chance to see first hand what an underdeveloped country is like. Definitely a crazy experience but an eye opening adventure! I was still early in my business but I was able to use my equipment and eye to capture the Haitian living. That was my purpose on the mission trip besides the other services we provided (painting schools, handing out food to those in need, etc.).

The School Sessions | Photographers Give Back to HaitiThis woman melted my heart! She was SO gracious for this bag of rice we gave her.
The School Sessions | Photographers Give Back to Haiti

The best place for a child to be in Haiti? In school believe it or not! Most of them do not have the best living situations. Some families will go 3-5 days before they are able to eat again. One school in particular made sure the kids are taken care of. I really admire their school system! The kids are fed well, manicured and educated. They are not only taught from the book but also life lessons so they grow up with good morals.

The School Sessions | Photographers Give Back to Haiti

The School Sessions is a brilliant idea to help make Haiti a better place for kids. Hopefully this will result for a better and brighter future by educating the younger generation. What is School Sessions? You can learn more on their website but basically on April 12th (yes in FOUR days), photographers from all over the world, will photograph a portrait session and donate the proceeds to the organization. Jamie and her husband are hoping to raise $200,000 so they can finish building a school. This school will be home to so many kids who need that shelter and good environment! They are making this happen and we can help make it a reality!

The School Sessions | Photographers Give Back to Haiti

If you are a photographer, look into this and give back! 🙂 It’s a beautiful thing to see what God is doing through this and I hope this dream turns into a reality. During my trip I decided to sponsor this little girl, Samira. 🙂 This reassures me that she is being well fed, has new uniforms, continue to be schooled and has proper medication. I only pay $25 a month to make sure this happens … that’s less than going to the movies! If you are interested in sponsoring a kid, let me know and I will connect you to make this happen. It’s a great opportunity to connect with them. 🙂

The School Sessions | Photographers Give Back to Haiti

Help finish raising the $200,000 to make Haiti a better place. Learn more on their website:
