I’m Stephanie, a wedding + lifestyle photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Warrenton, Virginia. Whether I’m by the mountains of Colorado or Virginia, my soul feels at home, surrounded by rural living and the raw beauty of nature. I genuinely love what I do, and feel so passionate to share the enthusiasm and joy of these celebrations with you!



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July 9, 2015

Off to the Beach!

Mini Beach Getaway

I’ll admit, I have had a rough last couple of weeks. I allowed business to control my life which isn’t necessarily bad for my clients but it’s bad on my body. I need rest. I have been going hard for so long that my body started to feel the effects just last week after completing a double header weekend. I’m SO thankful I understood my calendar and declined weddings this month. Not only does it give me time to ensure I’m caught up with everything but it gives me some time to take a dose of the best type of medicine … relaxation. I was so stressed out last week with pushing social media off to the side, not being 100% caught up with editing as I have been so great about this year that it effected my sleep. I was waking up several times throughout the night and was getting little sicknesses left and right all last week. It was ROUGH! So this past Monday, I made my typical weekly to do list but I came in with the mind set that I was going to dominate this week. Now I’m at terms with myself that I need to take care of my body right now. I have caught up with my social media to dos and just about caught up with all of my editing so I can finally ship out some beautiful packages early next week. 🙂 The problem was that I was ready to be on vacation mode as soon as I entered July … I mean, I did take July off of weddings so I should be living at the beach, right?! Not exactly. I still have my daily blogging, emails, six sessions, gift packaging, packaging inventory, albums to design/print and update my website. Whew! I’m so glad I didn’t take this month completely off to travel because I know I would be overwhelmed! Instead, I’m leaving tomorrow (Friday) until Monday night for a mini getaway at the beach. I need Vitamin D! Today, I’m finalizing my editing so I can vacation with a clear mind and photograph an awesome couple while I’m at the beach. 🙂 It’s going to be awesome!!!

I hope everyone has a great start to their weekend! I’m taking today to pack and finish little odds and ends around my office! Cannot WAIT to have my toes in the sand tomorrow! 🙂 I’ll be back in the office on Tuesday responding to emails/blogging!

Mini Beach Getaway
