Let me start off by saying that Brandon and Sam cannot WAIT to be married. After booking their date for next June, I could tell how anxious they were to say I DO! In fact, Sam emailed me not too long ago asking if they should think about changing their wedding to October this year (last month)! I had to laugh and smile when I received her email. They are adorable together!!! That exciting love carried into their engagement portraits and I have been SO anxious to share these!!! Brandon and Sam are some of the sweetest people I know! They are kind, genuine, selfless, caring … I can go on and on! The way they smile at each other or how Brandon makes Sam laugh made for some really cute candid moments.
It has been such a blessing to get to know them through this exciting adventure together. They are truly an amazing couple! You can just tell through their photos as well as their sweet words below of their “love story” how much they adore each other. <3
How Brandon and Sam Met
From Brandon’s Perspective
The day I met Sami…
It was a number of years ago when my little sister began to drop subtle comments about a coworker of hers that she wanted me to meet. Needless to say, I was intrigued.
In an attempt to make the connection, my sister invited us both to a party of hers but Sam got cold feet and didn’t show up; I had to take matters into my own hands! At this point our only contact was online or through text messages.
If you’re like me, Christmas Day is full of all the typical excitement but by the afternoon, it ends up being a pretty quiet day without much to do. I was at home with my parents and oldest brother, as my two other siblings no longer were in the area. Sam and I had been texting that day and agreed to meet up in Culpeper where she was actually working an afternoon and evening shift at Ruby Tuesdays.
I will never forget leaving the house that night and telling my oldest brother who was sitting outside on the deck with me, that I was going to me a girl in Culpeper that our sister had introduced me too. He got quite a kick out of it.
After making the trek that evening, I remember sitting outside Sam’s work, waiting for her to pull in. This old burgundy Hyaundai pulled up and she was so embarrassed about it…all the while I couldn’t help thinking how cute she was. She was so full of energy and so bright. We headed into the restaurant where she proceeded to order a pretty dark, heavy beer. That’s when I knew she was no typical girl; I was hooked.
We ended up spending the next few hours talking there and then having her give me a driving tour of culpeper. This lasted for probably almost 2 hours and if you know Culpeper, you know that means doing several “laps” around the town.
To this day, that spontaneous trip on that cold winter night was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
How Brandon Proposed
From Sam’s Perspective
Brandon and I were planning to meet up at his place to celebrate three years of dating. The rest from there was a surprise he said. I will never forget looking up and just saying thank you to God while driving down his road. I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude with how much He has worked in our hearts and growing over the past three years together. The property has become one of our favorite spots together. I remember helping Brandon pick it out and he told me “put your dream goggles on” and “can you see yourself living here one day?”. We had been working on it every weekend. I pulled up and Brandon greeted me with the usual kiss but instead of the routine about grabbing my bags like every other weekend he was so focused on going to our favorite spot on the property. I grabbed my gift for him, a written love poem and followed his lead. He took me to the rock outcropping and there were two chairs set up with a little table with a bouquet of flowers and a glass of wine sitting on top. Silly me thought we were just there to sit and have a drink. I gave him the poem. We sat and talked about how thankful we were for each other and then all of sudden Brandon was down on one knee saying “will you marry me?” in the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard. We still laugh about him putting the ring on the wrong hand.;) After jumping in his arms, I soon realized he had planted a game camera on a tree across from us. That camera captured the entire timeline of Brandon setting up the whole thing to some pretty hilarious mid air jumps and him down on one knee. Brandon is such a blessing to me with his selfless love and caring heart. God has been working in both our lives every single day and I’m so excited to see what He has in store for us as husband and wife.
Thank you Brandon and Sam for a great time!! If it was this much fun just for your engagement portraits, I cannot imagine how much more fun it will be on your wedding day!!! Cannot WAIT for June!!! XOXO! Enjoy some of my many favorites!!!
Lol! They are so adorable together!!
She reminded me of Faith Hill when I was editing this photo! Sam, you are stunning!
Oh yeah, that time Brandon tried helping Sam around the apples when he almost slipped on one while carrying her. Lol!
Cannot wait for your big day next June!!! XOXO!
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