We met at Starbucks a couple months ago to enjoy a coffee while getting to know each other. Immediately we hit it off! I was intrigued by their love of fitness since I have ventured to the weight lifting section of my gym over the last few months. Haha! It makes sense that they dedicate time into health because of their line of work in the military. Originally, we were planning to meet the day before we took these photos until a rain storm came through at the last minute. We had to brainstorm an alternative plan an hour before the time we were intending to meet. Scott was leaving on Saturday for his job so we didn’t have much time to reschedule. Fortunately, they are early birds and decided that the following morning would be the best bet! I’m so glad we did wait because we had SUN! What was even more special was that with changing the date, we also changed the location. Manassas Battlefields is where Scott proposed to Caitie so it was so appropriate! We ran around the park laughing, goofing off and having fun with our time together.
I love their playfulness and fun spirits in front of the camera! Cannot wait for their big day next fall!
How Scott and Caitie Met
from Caitie’s perspective
Scott and I met through the George Mason ROTC program. He was a year above me, and at first I wasn’t really a huge fan of him. I started doing PT sessions with the Ranger Challenge team when he was the co-captain. After a few weeks of small talk here and there, we really got to know each other after a team laser tag outing. We spent a large portion of the night laughing, sharing stories, and shooting people with laser guns! He also happened to live in the same building as me that semester, so we spent most mornings walking back from PT or lab together. Eventually, we began talking or spending time together every day. In the span of one spring semester, Scott and I developed a close and wonderful friendship that has blossomed into a love filled with laughs, adventure, and nonstop fun!
How Scott Proposed to Caitie
from Scott’s perspective
Thank you so much Scott and Caitie for waking up in the wee hours of the morning for your photos! Perfect way to start off a day! Enjoy this preview of your engagement session!!! Cannot wait for next year! xoxo!
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