I’m Stephanie, a wedding + lifestyle photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Warrenton, Virginia. Whether I’m by the mountains of Colorado or Virginia, my soul feels at home, surrounded by rural living and the raw beauty of nature. I genuinely love what I do, and feel so passionate to share the enthusiasm and joy of these celebrations with you!



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June 13, 2016

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

That time I walked into my house after a 95 degree wedding day to find my house was 84 degrees. Not the best timing for my AC unit to not be working… Although, I guess there really isn’t an appropriate time for something like that to happen! Fortunately, someone came by this morning and fixed it so I can finally sit in the comfort of my house without fans blasting and blinds shut keeping the sunshine heat out. Window light makes a huge difference and it was a little depressing having a dark house for two days! Haha! I’m incredibly thankful for many things, but AC is one of them right now!! Another thing I’m thankful for? On hot days like this, Moo Thru ice cream mixed with Red Truck Bakery’s lemon-blueberry moonshine cake! SERIOUSLY. If you don’t know about this, you need to make a trip out to Red Truck Bakery in Marshall and buy a container of this goodness … You won’t regret it especially in this 90 degree heat!!! It’s actually exactly what you need. 😉

Speaking of Saturday’s wedding, it was one sweet one!!! I don’t want to get into it too much right now (save it for the blog post), but I seriously cannot wait to share Brandon and Sam’s beautiful day with you all this week!!!

Sneak Peek | Marshall, VA Wedding Photographer

Just a little house keeping — I’ll be out of my office from June 20-30th! Cannot believe it’s exactly a week away! Ah!! If you remember David and Hanaa’s engagement session in Chincoteague, these two are getting MARRIED next Wednesday in Hawaii! I’m incredibly honored to travel with them to document this exciting time of their lives, not just for business but as a friend. <3  It has been a wonderful journey getting to know each other and I just know they have a bright future ahead! Following the wedding, I’ll be staying there to explore more of the island and meet up with Chris and Natalie and do some more engagement portraits. 🙂 It’s going to be an incredible time! I’ll be finishing up my trip by stopping in LA to visit one of my best friends and photograph some friend’s engagement portraits! Once I return, I’ll be jumping right back into wedding season as July is pretty swamped between weddings and trying to squeeze some beach time! Again, I’m so thankful for this opportunity and cannot WAIT to celebrate with David and Hanaa! It’s going to be a wedding I’ll NEVER forget! <3

Hawaii | Oahu Wedding Photographer

God is constantly changing my life in many ways as I want to constantly grow closer to Him and be one of His Under Shepherds (John 10:1-14). It was a while ago I discovered “She Reads Truth” via Instagram and after seeing that they were about to dive into a new book of Acts, I jumped online and ordered! They design the book BEAUTIFULLY with appealing photography and graphic design. The book is broken down into daily reading/studies and their daily blog presents a new perspective regarding the daily reading. The study has gone on for a week and it has been great in many ways! Along with this study, Monterey Church in Warrenton has been studying the Acts of the Apostles as well. The timing has been so appropriate and look forward diving into the study as the weeks carry on. 🙂 If you’re interested, I highly suggest checking out She Reads Truth to get started! You don’t even need these books, just your Bible will work! Fun little fact, my SUPER talented friend, Rachel from Appetite Paper is featured in the Proverbs book! She creates flowers from PAPER and they are absolutely STUNNING. You HAVE to check out her work HERE!

She Reads Truth | Bible Study

