I’ve been photographing this sweet family for YEARS. It’s an honor for sure, but what’s even more humbling is seeing the love they have for each other. As the kids continue to grow, so does their purpose in life. They have a very strong foundation built on faith and family, which is evident every time we get together! Their hearts are so big that it leaves me feeling so grateful to know them! 🙂 Shout out to the Mast family for connecting us YEARSSSS ago. I need to get some of us together for a wine night one of these days when I’m visiting Virginia. 🙂

Again, thank you, Ramsey family, for having me document another annual family session! <3 I love picking up our conversations where we left from the previous years. I love you all and hope this year brings you an abundance of blessings! <3 Enjoy some of my favorites!!!
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