Today is ALL about Pixie!!! And for those who didn’t know, I also have a cat … I do! Haha! Her actual name is Pixel (hehe!), but she goes by Pixie! For those who have been wondering where she has been, it’s her time to SHINE on the blog! 🙂 Ollie dominates the spotlight, but she will always be my first fur baby. It’s hard to believe, but Pixie is celebrating her EIGHTH Birthday this week!
Eight years … Wow! I was once able to hold her in one hand. She was soooo tiny. For those who don’t know her story, check it out HERE!!! She’s a rescue kitty, and I was only meant to foster her … But I fell in love with nurturing a little one and couldn’t give her away. Whoops!
She has been all over with me and now resides in Florida. 🙂 Although, she cannot go outside because there are way too many critters for her to survive alone (bears, dogs, armadillos, snakes, hawks, alligators, etc.). I think she’s still content having the entire second story of the house to herself, though. Ha! But the truth is that Alex is actually allergic to cats… I’m so grateful he is bearing through this time! He really does love me. 😉
As I reminisce Pixie’s life, I noticed a trend in her photos … She loves to snuggle in blankets!!! Haha! I have to admit that she’s not the most personable cat, but I can appreciate her independence. And she’s tolerating Ollie for the most part. I mean, it has been two years, so I guess she has figured out that he’s not leaving. 😉 I’m happy she’s a part of my life and I’m looking forward to celebrating another year with her!
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Happy Eighth Birthday, Pixie!!!!
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