We celebrated THREE months with our sweet boy last Tuesday! I cannot believe we are officially out of the fourth trimester!! This season is so bittersweet, and I am soaking it in as much as I can! <3 These photos I take every month are precious and something I’ll cherish forever as he continues to grow. And funny enough, I’m noticing that I’m taking fewer pictures on my iPhone compared to the first month! Instead, I’m recording more videos as he meets new milestones!!! We love watching videos of him laughing, fake crying, saying “oh,” and so much more, over and over … and over again. HAHA! I’m grateful that we can take photos and videos at any given time. Thinking back to when my parents raised me, they had to run to grab the videotape recorder just to document anything. Crazy!! Technology has gone a LONG way since then, and as destructive as it is, there are some perks! 🙂 And I’m happy to share updates with our little guy during this first year, not only for us to remember this season but to invite you on this journey as new parents!!
I love looking back at the previous month to see his growth. If you missed it, check out:
First Month | Second Month
– Sooooo many SMILES and LAUGHS!!!
– He loves… All of the FARTS and POOPS.
– Reading time!! A few favorite books: Snuggle Puppy, Winnie the Pooh, ABC’s I Aspire to be, and The Giving Tree!
– He loves … Muscle Milk … of course!
– Jack is obsessed with his HANDS! Goodness!!!
– We love hanging out with his girlfriend, Gigi! HA!
– He’s SOOOO ticklish, especially around the neck!
– We love listening to him saying his own words over and over again and imitating noises like “ohhhh!”
– He loves lights… After taking down the Christmas lights over the fireplace mantle, he constantly searches for anything that lights up… like the TV, cell phone screen, or laptop. We are trying hard to distract him away from these lights! It’s crazy how it is a natural attraction to him!
– Jack loves grabbing mom’s hair! Yikes!! I can see why some cut their hair!! I don’t necessarily love this, but I’m happy to watch him learn how to grab and hold objects, even if it has to be hair. 😉
– We all love stroller walks/runs together!
– And bath time will always be a favorite!! He’s learning to splash in the water and it’s adorable!!!
Poor little guy does NOT love shots… Neither does his mama!! I had to send Alex in for Jack’s two month shots and he said it was pretty traumatizing for everyone. HAHA! I’m not looking forward to his four month shots… Hopefully, he will do better! But I’m grateful for the Medi Frida pacifier medicine dispenser!!! 🙂
Happy Three Months, Baby Boy!
We love watching you grow day by day! We love you to the moon and back, Jack!!! <3
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