We are officially Coloradans! We miss our Florida friends and the breath-taking beaches, but we have a feeling that Colorado is going to be so good to us!!! It’s still so hard to believe that we are finally here. But we are looking forward to settling in over the weeks ahead. 🙂 After all, we are STILL without furniture. Haha!!! But hopefully, by Monday, we will have everything!
So it’s been a while since I’ve last blogged – Life has been a bit busy as you’ll see. 😉 I figured before sharing recent portrait sessions on the blog, I need to share what happened the past month! A LOT has happened… Alex graduated from the Family Medicine Residency program, we celebrated our second anniversary, first Father’s Day, packed up our house, prepped our Florida house for tenants, road tripped across the country, working through the teething baby stage, and now currently fixing up our new Colorado house as well as other things! Check out what happened this past month below!
Our final weeks in Florida…
We lived up our final weeks in Florida with friends and neighbors enjoying the best of the area! All while trying to prepare for the move and fix up our home for our new tenant. I’ll cherish these friendships/memories forever. <3
Packing Time…
It was crazy seeing our house EMPTY!!! This was my first time PCSing, so it was hard figuring out what we needed for an entire month and that would fit in our two cars. It was also weird to stay out of the way for THREE days with a baby, cat, and a dog! I’m glad we don’t have to do this all of the time… HA!
Gosh, he worked SO hard for years to get to this point!!!! He graduated from the Family Medicine Residency Program! We are all so proud of him and his accomplishments, and we are even more excited for this next chapter in his career!
Also, a quick shout out to Dr. Arnold (left photo below) who delivered our sweet baby boy, Jack!!! We were so grateful to be surrounded by some amazing Doctors/friends in the residency program! Now that we are spread all over the world, we hope to reunite again in the future. <3
The Great Road Trip!
I couldn’t believe the day arrived for us to road trip across the country to our new home! Of course it wouldn’t be our last day in Florida without spotting a black bear behind our house in a tree… HAHA! I was honestly nervous about this 22 1/2 hour drive because we had two full crammed cars with our things, a baby, cat, and a dog! WHEW! But to our surprise, it ended up being a smooth drive (THANK GOODNESS!!!!)! It was a little weird taking a cat into a hotel (LOL), but she did so great! Also, we loved stopping in Texas to see our friends one last time (for now) in their new home!!! Also, the hotel life wasn’t bad at all. 🙂
After days on the road, we made it to Colorful Colorado!!!! 🙂 And BOY… Was it colorful!!! We arrived to our new home (bought it sight unseen by the way) with a welcoming double rainbow!!! Amazing. 🙂 Also, getting to our new home was interesting as we drove through TWO hailstorms just a couple of hours away. What a welcome! HA! Fortunately, we LOVE our home, our neighborhood, the area, and the views!!!!
Settling In.
We are currently living in an empty house with an air mattress and some other necessities waiting for our furniture to arrive. But honestly, as much as I would love to have our bed and stuff, it has been SO nice working on fixing up the house without furniture in the way!!! We have been working on painting, caulking, sanding, installing security systems, replacing faucets, and so much more! It looks like our things will arrive (hopefully) on Sunday, so we just have a few more final touches to do before the decorating begins!!! 🙂
Also, a HUGE shout out to our amazing Realtor (The Lana Rodriguez Group)!!! They are the cream of the crop when it comes to realtors — No wonder they are the TOP of the industry! They bent over backwards getting this house for us in the most challenging market. Also, check out the amazing gifts they left us when we arrived!!!! What a sweet idea – Now, that is customer service!!!!
On another note … Mountain lions?! Hmmmmm… Don’t they belong in the zoo and not around the neighborhoods??? HAHA! I received a notification that there was one roaming around just a few miles away from us — So I guess I need to educate myself what to do if I were to run across one on a hike … or around the neighborhood!
Jack is LOVING Colorado so far (as well as Ollie and Pixie)!!! Fortunately for us, his great-grandparents live about 6-hours away! They already made a trip out here for a quick weekend to help us babysit and fix up the house! 🙂 He loved spending time with them and I think they did too. 😉
On a side note… This big boy is getting TWO teeth right now and is loving all foods! How do we have an almost 7-month old baby on our hands already?!!?
Since the first two weeks of work are easy-going for Alex, we are trying to get out and enjoy the area too before life gets busy! Just minutes away, we have beautiful hikes with incredible views… not to mention, delicious ice cream! We also made a spontaneous splurge the other day and drove up to Denver for the Home Run Derby baseball game!!! Oh my gosh, it was a BLAST!!!
But my favorite memory yet was when we were about .5-miles into a hike and Alex felt something wet… Only to discover why Jack was so giddy… POOPSPLOSION!!! See for yourself!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Even though I didn’t take on any weddings/portrait sessions this month, I’m staying VERY busy. We are looking forward to settling into our new home and eventually hosting family/friends soon. 🙂 We absolutely LOVE Colorado already and cannot wait to launch my business out here!!! In the meantime, I’ll be back in Virginia in August and September for weddings/portrait sessions!!! 🙂 I hope to be more regular with blogging in the coming weeks so I can get back into the groove of things again! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm as we adjust to this new chapter!
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