2022 started on an interesting note… For the first time this calendar year, I was able to unpack my suitcases yesterday and move back into my house! Time to settle back into a routine!! YES. It feels SO good to know that I’m not rushing in between places this weekend … for once. 🙂
To be honest, it has been a challenging year already. But I have faith that things will settle. 🙂 Alex and I knew that when we closed on our Colorado Airbnb on December 27th that things were going to be a little crazy. Although, I was foolish to think that it was going to be set by February! We spent SIX weekends since buying it to get it completely furnished and ready to go. As exhausted as I am from all of the trips, it was worth it!! The house looks incredible and we are STOKED to share it with everyone. <3 Here is a sneak peek!
Also… how COOL is it that a moose will occasionally walk across our Airbnb front steps?! What???
While fixing up our Airbnb, I also snuck in some time to design and photograph a new friend’s Airbnb in Denver, Colorado! I don’t know how I found the time… But it turned out beautiful!!! Here is a sneak peek with more to share soon!

The one “rest” weekend we decided to block off in January and not work on the Airbnb, I ended up testing positive for COVID. We believe it was the Omicron variant because it was pretty mild and I still had smell and taste (fortunately)! Jack was sick three days before me, so he may have had it too, but oddly enough, Alex didn’t get sick! Bizarre… But then again, he is around sick patients all of the time and might be Superman? HAHA! It was a rough week quarantining and dealing with the icky cough that seemed to last for weeks!

On February 1st, we took a family vacation to Breckenridge to spend time with new and old friends! In fact, it was a vacation/real estate investor conference too, so we were eager to learn and play! We were also grateful to get there a few days before the conference that weekend to spend time with our friends too. Greta and Charlie were so kind to help us watch Jack so I could hit the slopes for the first time in almost a decade! I was SO nervous, but like everyone said, it was like riding a bike and I picked it back up! But because it had been a decade, I quickly learned that it is important to work your way up to the harder slopes for the initial days. HAHA! I’m saying that from experience because on the second day, I went straight up and for some reason, forgot how to turn right edging on the steep slope! It was a Zoolander moment. And, of course, it got easier once I got through that rough warm up. HAHA! After that ski trip, I felt even more grateful to live out here in Colorado. <3

However, my vacation came to an unexpected halt on February 4th. Oddly enough, I woke up that morning from a nightmare that I was hugging family members, upset about a loved one passing… It breaks my heart that I received news that evening that my soon-to-be-brother-in-law suddenly passed away that morning. It was tragic and devastating, especially hearing the news from my sister. I was a big Chris fan and couldn’t believe the news, and in fact, I still don’t believe it. I packed up my things in Breckenridge (totally unprepared to fly) and flew out with Jack as soon as possible to be with my family. It was an emotional time, and to be honest, I have found myself questioning God why this happened. I’m working on healing my heart and instead praising God for bringing such an incredible man into my sister’s life. <3 At the end of the month, my sister and Chris’s mom hosted a wonderful celebration of life for Chris. I loved hearing so many great stories about him from his past! It was weird though thinking that we were all going to be together for a wedding… not a funeral. 🙁 We miss him so much!!!

In between my two trips to Virginia last month, I snuck out to Colorado for a week to spend time with Alex. Alex and I spent the majority of the President’s Day weekend at the Airbnb, but I’m so glad we were able to spend some time together before he left for training. When I flew back to Virginia, Alex and I had to say “see you later” for six weeks. 🙁 I’m counting down the weeks/days until we reunite in April!!! In honor of Alex, we had our Taco Tuesday last night with mac and cheese. HAHAHA!

Sorry, this was a very over due post… This calendar year was nothing like I really anticipated starting the New Year! But I’m so glad that I can take this month to refocus and incorporate more personal time in my routine before the wedding season picks up next month. 🙂 I just wish that Alex could be here during this time before travel picks back up again, but thank goodness for technology! Also, as hard of a year is has been so far, Jack has been a ball of sunshine for so many. <3 We love him so much and so lucky to be his parents!!!
I appreciate everyone’s patience during this season!!! I haven’t been on top of my emails like I usually would, but now that things are starting to regulate, routine will help get my business back in order. 🙂 Thank you for your understanding, for your prayers, and love! XOXO!
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