I’m Stephanie, a wedding + lifestyle photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Warrenton, Virginia. Whether I’m by the mountains of Colorado or Virginia, my soul feels at home, surrounded by rural living and the raw beauty of nature. I genuinely love what I do, and feel so passionate to share the enthusiasm and joy of these celebrations with you!



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December 23, 2014

Client Christmas Gift

Merry Christmas Eve Eve everyone!!! 🙂 I love this season where it is okay to eat as many cookies possible and not feel guilty or re-watch classic movies at least once a week and not be bored… I guess there are only a couple more nights for me to soak this in before Christmas is here and done until next year. Doesn’t it feel like this Christmas season is the shortest yet?! I could celebrate Christmas twice as long if I could! I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way either. 😉

You know why I enjoy living in a small town? I am all about supporting small businesses, so instead of saving a little bit of money and do all of my shipping orders online, I took in 33 client Christmas gift packages to my local post office. I did spend more but I know I did a good thing by supporting them (I already had to sign a waiver to keep them open because of their threat to close down) andddddd they have the BEST service in town! The post office asked for me to bring in my packages when they were closing for the day so they can stay after hours to get my packages taken care of. Now THAT is what I call customer service! I just dropped off my packages and came back an hour later to pay while I was able to run errands during that time. Best experience ever! I hope I’m able to continue this for the years to come.

Thank you to EVERYONE who made this year special. Even to my clients from the past and the future. You all have a special place in my heart as my business continues to grow and develop. Every year I try to make improvements in my business to create a better experience for my couples as well as myself. This winter, I decided to improve my client Christmas gifting experience by including one of my favorite things. A warm fuzzy blanket! I gifted these beauties to my 2014 couples and personally embroidered their monogram on each blanket. 🙂 Since I love sewing and love snuggling in blankets, this was the perfect combination for my client gifting for Christmas 2014!

Here’s how they turned out! If you are looking for a great gift next year, keep this in mind because personalized items are excellent!

client_christmas_gift_packaging-2_webclient_christmas_gift_packaging-5_webMERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

  1. Cyndi Messick says:

    Hey, you know better than that! The Christmas season is not “over” after Christmas day! The Twelve Days of Christmas begins then, and doesn’t end until the Epiphany, on January 6, when the three kings showed up with gifts for the Christ Child. So celebrate as long as you can, my dear! And yes, your blankets were beautiful, and I love your packaging!!