I’m Stephanie, a wedding + lifestyle photographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Warrenton, Virginia. Whether I’m by the mountains of Colorado or Virginia, my soul feels at home, surrounded by rural living and the raw beauty of nature. I genuinely love what I do, and feel so passionate to share the enthusiasm and joy of these celebrations with you!



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January 24, 2018

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

It’s another episode of the “Weekend Recap!” Last week was exciting because my family and I had the opportunity to visit my brother and watch him graduate from Basic Training!!! I know Eric is SO relieved it’s officially done. I’m relieved for him and SO ready for him to come hommmmmeeeee!!!! I have a HUGE bag of Sour Patch Kids waiting for his return. πŸ˜‰ But I told him if the government holds him back any longer, my tummy might hold the sour patch kids hostage. HA!

This past week/weekend was another great way to start the 2018 year. πŸ™‚ Honestly, I’ve never had a desire to travel to St. Louis, but I’m glad I was able to eat some gooey butter cake, see the arch and PEACE OUT! Sorry for those who love the city β€” It was just WAY too cold for my liking! I guess I need to bundle up for my Chicago adventures next week so I don’t say the same thing. πŸ˜‰ Ah! Β Before I talk too much, I’ll let the photos below do the talking!! I’m excited to get back into my daily routines and prep for the 2018 year! I can tell this year is going to be the best year yet!!! Except… Let’s forget that I’m turning the big 3-0 this summer… AH!

Missouri Adventures

I’m honestly not the biggest fan of small airplanes, but I do love a good adventure! I guess other people don’t have the top desire to fly to Missouri either. πŸ˜‰ HAHA!

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

This place was HIGHLY recommended on FB and Google, and it did not disappoint! We knew we had to eat BBQ while visiting the mid-west. My family and I did “family style” which was an assortment of BBQed meats and side dishes. The BBQ chicken and macaroni and cheese was my favorite! πŸ™‚ Oh, and this was how cold it was outside β€” There was a line up of ice sculptures down the block. Who knows when they were made … Probably weeks ago because the FREEZING temps were unreal. πŸ˜‰Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

See!!! Who would want to live in conditions as cold as this? Not me!! πŸ˜‰ Sorry for those who live and love Saint Louis!! My weather app said it was 4 degrees at 11 AM, but with the wind chill factored in, it was -10 degrees!!! AH! I should have brought my snow gear and dressed like a marshmallow! On the plus side, we found a cute coffee shop and hung out to try their famous gooey butter cake! DELICIOUS!!!Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

THENNNNN…. My sister, Amanda, and I found ways to play in front of the arch! Again, way too cold to really stand around and enjoy. I ran from and to the car because walking wasn’t an option. And of course, I cracked my brand new phone because I was a little too exuberant!Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, MissouriWe finally made it to the base and had the opportunity to walk around with Eric!! πŸ™‚ It was so great to see him!!! We checked out a local museum where they had a piece of the Berlin wall! So cool! If it weren’t for this photo of my parents and Eric, I would have forgotten we went to a museum because it seemed as though we just drank coffee and lounged around the entire day! πŸ˜‰ The following day was his GRADUATION!!! WAHOO!!! So proud of him!!!Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

Eric taught me “Parade Rest.” Although, I just like to call it “Blue Steel.” HA! πŸ˜‰ And, of course, we had to take a family portrait together!!! <3

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

Oh, yessss. I HAD to include this photo of my parents with Eric in this blog post!!! HAHA! I asked my mom and dad if they both wanted a picture with him, and what was my dad’s response? “Well, we both made him!” … Okay, true.

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

Well, I’m embarrassed to put this on my blog post, but we went to a place called “Uranus.” HAHAHA! It really was a hilarious, entertaining visit! They had the most delicious fudge β€” And even had a gun range? I just wanted to hashtag this place “#ONLYINMISSOURI.” My family and I were there for three hours hanging out and playing with different machinery. Super fun!!

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

I loved spending time with friends in Richmond this past weekend. <3

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

Naturally, I had to bring a little piece of Saint Louis back home, so I made my own gooey butter cake!! The only thing I advise is to not make it in a pie dish because the crust and “goo” really need to be spread out to create a bar styled coffee cake instead of a thick, dense pie. After visiting Richmond and sharing a little piece of Saint Louis, Alex and I visited his grandparents at their lake house β€” Super fun weekend!!!

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

Now I’m back to reality and trying not to get sick. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Positive thoughts!!!

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

My sweet and thoughtful friend, Kate, surprised me with this book at my doorstep yesterday!!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Such a great surprise and I’m already LOVING the devotionals!!! If you are looking for a daily devotional, I highly recommend this book. I really loved the message from January 16th. AMEN!

Weekend Recap | St. Louis, Missouri

This week is an exciting week filled with a lot of behind the scenes business work. πŸ™‚ I’m also trying to soak in as much quality time with Alex before he leaves for Africa for a month on Saturday!!! AH! I’m so grateful for him and his faith in God’s plan. πŸ™‚ I hope you all are having a safe and blessed week so far! Happy hump day!!!
