During my vacation time at the beach with Kyle and his lovely family, his brother and sister in law requested for a sunrise session one morning during our stay. Can I just say that I WISH the beach was closer to home?! I know that there are several of my clients who would love this option and with the beach being at least 3.5 hours, it makes it tricky with scheduling. But if it works, it is worth the travel!
I have gotten to know these guys for almost a year now … time is flying by! … and was SO excited when they asked me to photograph their adorable family! Ethan is such a cutie pie! He has officially started to call me by name a month ago and I am officially “Feffy”. Super precious! Although, him and I have a history of a love/hate relationship as Brian could order Ethan around asking him to GIVE me graciously a stink bug … of course, with no hesitation Ethan would bring me a stink bug. If you know me, I screamed and ran away from this little blondie.
We started out their session one beautiful morning during our vacation time and it could not have been more perfect! The temperature was great and the sun was peaking through the clouds … it was one of those “ahhhh” moments for sure! So thankful for the amazing weather we were given for the week! 🙂 We played around in the sand and walked along the coast, we then ventured to the lighthouse where we might have made a HUGE mistake … I was excited to walk to the lighthouse knowing that I have visited this very place when I was a little girl scout, but we were not necessarily prepared for what was to happen … As we started walking down the gorgeous trail, I started seeing the PERFECT lighting spots for portraits, but it was too late as we were suddenly swarmed by misquitos! And this is not an over exaggeration at all! As we started running, smacking each other to kill the misquitos and spraying bug spray on one another at the same time … it was as if we could not run fast enough as we were being covered by them being sucked alive! Talking about feeling gross … But we made it there enough for a couple shots and then we had to run back to the car. 🙂
To make up for the lighthouse trip, we ended up at a pastry shop to end the morning session on a bright note! And oh my goodness, it was DELICIOUS! If you end up in Chincoteague, you MUST go to the pastry shop on main street! So worth it! 🙂
Thank you all for a FABULOUS session! Enjoy the preview!!! Love you guys! xoxo

How precious!



Seriously he made my heart melt when I took this photo…

Oh yes … he hurt his finger and he looked at his momma asking her to kiss it better! Haha! CUTE!

One of my favs!!!

Goodness … those eyes! Crazy! I did not even touch his eyes when editing this!


Wow … seriously guys?! You all ROCKED this!!!

Gosh, can they be a cuter family?

Another fav!



Holy cow … look at that air Ethan is getting!

The quickest ever shot photo in history below … Lol!

Lol! I love this!!!
Thanks guys for a great and fun morning!!!! 🙂 xoxo
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