Wow. Another month under our belt!!! I love having these month-to-month updates as a personal journal to reflect this sweet time. I plan to do these updates until his first Birthday… Let’s see if I can make it to that point! 😉 HA!
This past month with Jack was another beautiful month filled with precious family memories. <3 I’m REALLY loving this season watching Jack develop a personality … And don’t even get me started on his smiles. Gah! But his second month also harvested challenges. As of this week, though, we are finding our groove! 🙂 YAY! I am looking forward to enjoying another month with our sweet boy!
I love looking back at the previous month to see his growth. If you missed it, check out:
First Month
Things we LOVE during this season
– Being Jack’s parents <3
– Snuggles!!!
– He’s rolling from tummy to back!!! But he’s using it to his advantage to get out of tummy time… So tummy time is a little bit of a struggle at times. Haha!
– His “cry” … He loves to give us a very sad pouty face with one loud cry and then smile in between the “cries.” HAHAHA! It’s the cutest thing!!!
– Listening to his coos and ahhs
– Reading time with Jack
– Watching him observe and take in his surroundings
– His imitations of our facial expressions and sounds
– Bath time with Disney music … It never gets old!! He’s starting to splish and splash. 🙂
– When we think we have mastered parenting by a good night’s sleep… Except, he finds a way to throw us off the next night. Haha!
– Sleeping is getting better and better!!! 🙂 A WIN! Especially after we switched up his bedtime!
Happy Two Months, Sweet Boy!
Jack was ready for his first campfire in the cold Florida temps!!
Jack ROLLED for the first time!!!! And we caught it on camera!
Alex loves this photo on the left and calls it “Jack’s first selfie.” HAHAHA!
Jack loves his Dada!!! And Dada loves Jack! <3
Jack got to meet Uncle Eric, Pop Pop, Mimi, Uncle Aaron, Uncle Andrew, Auntie Kit Kat, and Cousin Amelia!!!
Oh … My … Gosh … This POUT. I’m serious. He’s out to break some hearts. Including my own! HAHA!
I woke up to this on Valentine’s Day. <3 Be still my heart!
Look how much he has grown his bassinet in a month! Gah!
Happy Second Month, Sweet Jack!!! I love watching you grow every week/month. <3
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