Sorry that this post is long-winded! It has been a while since my last blog post (so embarrassing, haha!) and a personal update. 🙂 For those who do not know, we welcomed our son, Owen, into this world on June 12th! Looking back on what felt like the longest pregnancy, I cannot believe it was exactly a year ago when we said goodbye to our angel baby. Speaking with a friend who is familiar with loss, it’s hard moving on without wondering what he/she would be like if they were still here. I’m grateful for what we have — Truly a blessing after our hardships. <3
Our Pregnancy
I will admit that while I didn’t have the hardest pregnancy compared to others, it was challenging compared to Jack’s pregnancy. After experiencing loss, I was on guard every week hoping not to see blood. It was a hard mental battle when I wanted to be joyful, but I instead played on the side of caution the entire pregnancy.

Along with the mental struggle, I felt sick the entire pregnancy (which was unfortunate when I had days I thought I was over the morning sickness). I had a lack of appetite, no cravings, and battled acid reflux on a daily. It was shocking that the morning after I had Owen, all of my symptoms were gone… I felt like myself again and could eat! While this pregnancy was a blessing, I am relieved to feel myself again. 🙂 And thank God for giving me the strength to photograph long wedding days when I was sick!! Haha!

This was our first trip away from Jack — While I had mixed feelings about being away from Jack, ultimately, it was the best quality time with Alex!! 100/10 recommend! I’ll have to blog about our Miami Beach trip another time. 🙂 It was a great time celebrating baby, Alex’s promotion, and our five-year anniversary!

During my visit to Virginia, my family hosted Alex’s family for a little low-key baby celebration! It was so great having our families together. And back in Colorado, one of my friends hosted a baby sprinkle with Alex’s work crew. 🙂 Such a gift being here in Colorado with another friend who was expecting!

The Non-stress test ironically was triggering/stressful. It brought me back to Jack’s emergency c-section hearing the heartbeat. Despite my lack of enthusiasm for having extra tests done, I’m grateful for the medical care because Owen had to come sooner than expected. And while I wasn’t ready (the right photo below was one week before the c-section just after we pulled everything from the attic), we loved the fact that we got to meet Owen two weeks early!

Last family adventure together and last bump photo before heading to the hospital for the c-section. 🙂

The Birth
While we were scheduled for an earlier c-section, my body signaled that it was time. Leading up to the delivery date, I experienced contractions more and more frequently which ironically picked up consistently when we were at the hospital. As much as I longed for a vaginal birth, a scheduled C-section was ultimately the best decision! 🙂

I walked into the OR shaking. Despite it being a different hospital from Jack’s birth, I had flashbacks to the emergency C-section. I heard over and over that a scheduled C-section is different, but I couldn’t help but be scared! Fortunately, it was a wayyyy better experience! 🙂 It wasn’t rushed and I enjoyed skin-to-skin with Owen (unlike Jack’s delivery). And I felt like I recovered quickly this time around!!
When it came time for Jack to meet Owen, my eyes flooded with tears. He couldn’t wait to hold Owen and snuggle him. Seeing him as a big brother makes my mama’s heart swell with joy!
A huge thank you to our neighbor and friends who took care of Jack and Ollie (our golden retriever) while we were at the hospital!!

Personally going from one to two kids is much easier than going from zero to one. Especially since Owen’s birth was routine and not traumatizing like Jack’s debut! I’m enjoying the postpartum season, especially while we find our groove as a family of four. I guess it also helps that I didn’t have a baby during the 2020 pandemic like Jack. 🙂

Since we don’t have family in the area, I am grateful that Alex was able to have some time away from work. Although, it’s never long enough (Jack is very upset that he’s back at work)! Alex was able to give Jack his full attention while I focused on my recovery and demands of Owen. Along with Alex’s time off, we had family in town throughout his leave. We are so grateful for the help as well as the meals our church community/friends provided!! Jack especially enjoyed the time with visitors — That filled up his love language tank (aka playtime)!
I was nervous about how Jack would handle not being the only child with all of the attention. I believe we did a good job transitioning/preparing him for his new big brother role! 🙂 Honestly, his age makes it super fun too because he loves being helpful! And so far, he hasn’t shown signs of envy (yet)! We are mindful of Jack so he doesn’t feel pushed to the side. 🙂 He loves holding/kissing Owen, giving him a pacifier, and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. <3 Be still my heart!
Owen has done a lot in his short time already — hiking, rodeo, movie theater, church, baseball game, library, gym, pool time, church, small group, and more! He was born on the smaller side, but within a week, he surpassed his birth weight… He lovessss milk. Haha! And one special feature about him was that he was born with the temporary birthmark on his forehead called “angel kisses.” I like to believe this was a little gift from our angel baby. <3 We love every inch of him and cannot wait to get to know him over the months ahead!
What a blessing. <3

Welcome to the world, sweet Owen!! You complete our little family. <3
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