To the boy who made me a mom, please help me wish my first son a very Happy 4th Birthday! I’m feeling a bit emotional as I reflect on the past year with Jack… and the fact that he’s already four. It’s been a year full of growth—he’s traveled a lot, made new friends, gained new skills with sports and education, and, most importantly, became a BIG brother since his third birthday! Jack is silly, smart, courageous, loves his family/friends, adventurous, and handsome. We love him so much — Alex and I are pinching ourselves that we have a four-year-old. <3

At this age, I’m loving his growing independence—getting himself dressed, putting himself to bed when he’s tired, and even helping with some chores around the house. And while Jack picks out his own outfits for the day, you might see him wearing shorts outside on a 30-degree day. Gotta pick your battles, right? 😉
I always tell people that the “terrible twos” have a bad rap, but honestly, three was so much harder! The tantrums and challenging behaviors were mentally exhausting for both Alex and me. But now that we’re coming out of the “threenager” phase, we are enjoying this season of life when he surprises us—like when he randomly tells us he loves us, opens the door for an adult (or for me pushing the stroller), cleans up his room, or picks flowers for me. <3
What I love most, though, is the bond he shares with Owen… from day one, it’s been so special! Before we experienced a miscarriage last year, he longed to be a big brother. Since having Owen, he has enjoyed the big brother role. Owen smiles and laughs with Jack in a way he doesn’t with anyone else. When I first found out I was expecting another boy, I wondered if I could handle being an “all-boy” mom. And the answer is YES because God designed our family this way! I love my boys!!!

Owen is Six Months!!!
Okay, okay, I couldn’t resist one more sappy post… especially since my sweet Owen is now SIX months old! Alex and I keep saying that 2024 has been the fastest year yet. 🙁 We really want time to slow down because we’ve reached such a sweet stage with our boys, and we want to savor every moment. Selfishly, that’s why I’m posting this—I want to remember this season.
Owen is so much fun and incredibly chill! I think he’s learned to be this way, in part, because of his older brother always craving attention. Not that it’s a bad thing—Jack’s love language is definitely quality time and play! There’s nothing like nursing your baby while playing Legos on the floor. Haha!

Right now, Owen is absolutely obsessed with balls. If he spots his favorite one, he’ll practically launch himself out of your arms to get it. Haha! I have a feeling that will be his first word and will motivate him to crawl. Other current favorites activities include rolling all around the room, sitting in the SkipHop activity center (thank you, Racheal), milk (of course!), and, of course, spending time with family!
Ollie is turning SEVEN
Speaking of where the time has gone… Ollie is somehow turning seven next week! He absolutely loves living here in Colorado and embracing the camping lifestyle! Although, he’d definitely prefer fewer storms. We’ve tried all sorts of meds and tricks to help keep him calm, but for now, we’re enjoying this peaceful season before the spring storms roll back in. Haha!
I remembered when he was this little…

We are so grateful for our little family! So much to celebrate this month. Praying for health over my family, especially this winter season.
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