When Kaitlyn initially reached out to me saying they were pregnant, my heart could have burst! 🙂 Two thoughts went through my head. I was so excited that Josh and Kaitlyn were going to be parents!! The other thought was how honored I was that they wanted me to photograph their maternity portraits at Marriott Ranch in Hume, Virginia! I’ve known them since before their wedding back in 2014. Crazy to think they will be celebrating their SIXTH anniversary this summertime. But this year will look wildly different than any other year! 🙂
It seems like every time I catch up with them, they have new plans and stories to share with me. They now live in PA and are excelling in their jobs as a vet and custom carpenter. You might be familiar with Josh’s business, Hertzler Design, because he built my custom farm bench for my last home!!! He’s AMAZING! I love seeing how they have been faithful in God’s plan for them as individuals and as a married couple, especially when they packed up their Virginia house and moved north. I know it’s not easy, but I love seeing the blessings that were brought upon them in this season.

Marriott Ranch Maternity Session
Imagine it’s 30-degrees, but with the wind chill factored in easily dropped that number much lower. That was this session with Josh and Kaitlyn, and I bet you wouldn’t have guessed it was looking at the photos below! The wind howled, and the sun hid behind the clouds making every finger and toe go numb.
The day tricked us into believing it was going to be manageable until something shifted just minutes before the evening. The clouds came over, and snow began to fall on the drive out to Marriott Ranch. Yikes!!! I was not prepared as I looked down at my minimal layers, and I prayed that the time and effort that Josh and Kaitlyn put into getting ready was enough to pull-off this session. Fortunately, Kaitlyn was prepared with leggings under her Pink Blush Maternity gown! <= GENIUS! 🙂
But we were there for one reason. And that was to celebrate the creation of LIFE!!! 🙂 How amazing is this gift? Fortunately, we weren’t outside for too long to take these portraits, but it was enough to “chill the bone.” I’m so proud of these two for making these photos happen and for making it look easy. I couldn’t be happier for them as they prepare to welcome their little baby soon!!!
Thank you, Josh and Kaitlyn, for having me document this beautiful start to the best chapter of your marriage!!! You two are going to be incredible parents and I cannot wait to see your arms filled with the most precious gift God blessed you to raise. <3 I pray for many blessings for you and your family! XOXO!
Thank you, Marriott Ranch, for having us!!!

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